
I have not another tear to shed

I have no words for the last month I have had.

Dad went to the oncologist today. They pretty much said, keep him happy and watch his blood levels and if he feels any pain, they will change his medication. He cannot go to chemotherapy because some levels don't add up, not to clear what that level is but... my dad is dying.

My cat is now in the hospital as well for exactly the same problem. He ate some hamburger meat and stopped moving around so we thought it was the onion (which is bad for cats) but when we transfered him from our normal vet to a 24 hour facility they said he has blood in his stomach for some un-known reason.

I am now convinced everyone around me is going to die from cancer in their stomach.

All I can think of is this scene from King Lear
Titus Andronicus: Ha, ha, ha!

Marcus Andronicus. Why dost thou laugh? it fits not with this hour.

Titus Andronicus. Why, I have not another tear to shed:
Besides, this sorrow is an enemy,
And would usurp upon my watery eyes
And make them blind with tributary tears

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